Monday, November 24, 2008

Cache Ca$h Dash Bash - January 10th, 2009

The first geocaching event I ever went to was one that I hosted myself.  I used part of my geocaching nickname in the title of the event and it was called: This 1Time in Paris... (GCZFTY).  It was held on Saturday, January 13th, 2007.  I don't know if it is smart to host an event when you never have been to one, but I have never been accused of being smart.  I held the event in January because I thought that since some might not want to cache in the cold they will would be willing to get together to talk about caching and meet other cachers.  I feel it was a success since the first year we had approximately 75 people in attendance.

The positive input we received on the event caused my wife and I to host another event in on Saturday, January 12th, 2008.  There were approximately 109 people at This 2ndTime in Paris... (GC17T78).  

At both events we held a photo contest.  I love looking at photos on cache pages and we felt that if the weather went bad it was something that could still be done indoors.  Both years there were some great photos brought to the event.

We all had a contest using temporary caches hidden in the area.  After cachers found the temporary caches they would be rewarded with some play money that was then used at the event to bid on prizes.  The auction was based on the auctions I had seen on the television reality show "Survivor".  The prizes were all in boxes or containers, so those bidding were not able to see what they were bidding on until they had won and opened it.  The auction would also end without notice.  Cachers were also allowed to pool their play money with others or give it away.  The auction was so successful that this year's event will be called the Cache Ca$h Dash Bash (GC1DAY1).

The event is listed on and will be held on Saturday, January 10th, 2009.

The search for the temporary caches and the auction will once again be the feature contest at the event.  We will once again have the photo contest and another game I like to call "Cacher Chaos".

"Cacher Chaos" is a game where each cacher is given an envelope containing several copies of the same word.  Cachers keep one copy of their "word" and trade their extra copies for all the other different words that are given to them on a list.  The first three cachers to trade and get all of the different words on the list win prizes.  A room of 100 cachers running around trading words is "Chaos".

There is at least one other addition to this years event.  This year there will be an "Event Geocoin".  The geocoin will be trackable on and will have a special "Geocaching Event" icon.  A picture is listed on the Cache Ca$h Dash Bash blog and more details will be available soon.

I have to thank cacher JuggoPop for help with both the logo that you see above, on the cache listing, and on the Cache Ca$h Dash Bash blog and for the artwork for the event geocoin.  

1 comment:

Christopher said...

We also hosted the first event we ever attended. There are just not anywhere near enough events in the river valley and I know we're all grateful for the work you and your family put into hosting such a fantastic event.