Monday, November 19, 2007

Our 150th find...

On the weekend of April 21st, 2007 my wife and I attended the geocaching event in Clarksville, Arkansas (GC11AEA Clarksville or Cacheville You be the Judge). We had a great time at the event and enjoyed getting to meet other geoachers. It was great to put faces with the handles of those cachers we had not yet met and to finally put faces with the handles of those we hadn't had the chance to meet yet.

We left the event and headed off to Southhaven, Mississippi. We had already purchased tickets to see MercyMe in concert in Southhaven before the Clarksville event and decided to make a whole weekend of geocaching and the concert.

On April 22nd, before the concert we did some geocaching in the area of Southhaven and also made our way north toward Memphis. The last cache we found for the day was also our 15oth cache find.

The cache also happened to be the oldest cache we had found so far.

The cache was Jailhouse Rock (GC3F7) that is placed at Graceland. We have been to Graceland before, but we just couldn't help going back since we were so close. No matter when you were born or what kind of music you like everyone knows the name Elvis. We have enjoyed tours of Graceland in the past and this cache find let us do both. Another tourist was kind enough to take a picture of us by the historical marker near the gates of Graceland (see above).

Later that night we went to the concert and was able to see the Christian Rock group Audio Adrenaline preform there very last concert in the 48 states. They did preform one more concert a couple of nights later at their farewell concert in Hawaii.

We also got to see MercyMe for the first of two times that we would see them in 2007.

We had a great weekend of meeting geocachers, traveling, finding our 150th cache, and hearing some Christian Rock.

It just doesn't get much better than this.


1 comment:

Christopher said...

Thanks for signing my guestbook! It's nice to know others take a look every now and again. I like your site. Very cool.
I really enjoyed reading about you and your families adventures. My wife and I have always wanted to visit Graceland. Hopefully we'll run into you guys later.
