Sunday, May 18, 2008

Seary aka Searchy

Searcy aka Searchy

For our wedding anniversary my wife made up some index cards that were to be coupons for me to use when I wanted to redeem them. One of them was for what ever I wanted to do for a day.

I turned the card in and asked her to go to Searcy for a day of geocaching with Pat (aka woodwalker9).

I started planning the trip weeks in advance and decided to take my trip on Friday, May 16th 2008.

Pat was going to be in Searcy on that date so things were good to go.

I left my house at approximately 5:30 am. It was a beautiful morning and it turned out to be a beautiful day. No rain and the temperature was just right. I made good time and when I approached Searcy I gave Pat a call and he met me at the Searcy Chamber of Commerce.

It turns out there is a great cache at the Chamber of Commerce called The Great Seal (GCV35G)

This was a "great" cache to start the day off with. I really enjoyed it and if you travel to Searcy you will too.

Pat then chauffeured me around Searcy for a great day of fellowship and caching.

I was able to see fellow cachers Gaddiel, Ice Cream Man, Geojeepers, HondaCacher, SearcyKid, and Quiltingranny before the day was over.

I was able to also set a personal record of finds for a single day. By the end of the day I had found 60 caches in Searcy. That is why from now on I will can Searcy, Searchy. Search here and search everywhere for caches. They are everywhere.

There are some good caches too. Here are a few I recommend:

The Great Seal GCV35G
Ya hooo GC15YHG
WOODwalker's Nightmare (GC15GAJ)
What's the Score? (GCKHDK)
Hit the field (GC15C3F)
1591 (GC19W49)
Batters Up (GC134V5)

There are also plenty of "Red Men" to find, and if you have never found one once you find one there are plenty more to find in "Searchy". There is even a multi-cache "Red Man" called Red Men-Multi (GC16E7C)

By the end of the day I had reached a new milestone of 300 caches.

The 300th cache was Remembering Daniel Longstreet (GC162DB). The cache is placed in a small city park in Higginson and stage one is at a plaque memorializing Officer Daniel Longstreet who was killed in the line of duty.

Thanks to Pat for placing this cache here in honor of that fallen officer and for taking me there for it to be my 300th cache.

After finding my 300th cache we found 3 more to give me 60 finds for the day.

We then went and had a great meal with more great talk before I headed out to return home.

Pat, thanks again for being a friend and all you have done for me and the caching community. I look forward to caching with you again soon.

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